

allay /ə'le/ 


appreciate /ə'priʃiet/


accede /æk'sid/ /ək'sid/ Both OK. 

accept /ək'sɛpt/


acknowledge /ək'nɑlɪdʒ/

actually /'æktʃuəli/ /'ækʃuəli/ /'ækʃli/ All OK.

address (as a verb) /ə'drɛs/ /'ædrɛs/ Both OK. 

access /'æksɛs/

adult /əˈdʌlt/

adverse /'ædvɝs/ /əd'vɝs/ Both OK.

affluence [ˈæfluənts]

allay /ə'le/

amateur /ˈæmətʃɚ)/

amenable /ə'mɛnəb/

amenity /ə'mɛnəti/

anarchy /'ænɚki/ /'ænɑrki/ Both OK.




answering [ˈæntsrɪŋ] [ˈænsərɪŋ] Both OK, the second is more formal
accelerate /ək'sɛləret/ /ɪk'sɛləret/ /æk'sɛləret/ All OK.


accentuate /ək'sɛntʃuet/ /ɪk'sɛntʃuet/ /æk'sɛntʃuet/ All OK.


access /'æksɛs/


accessible /ək'sɛsəb/ /ɪk'sɛsəb/ /æk'sɛsəb/ All OK.


accessory /ək'sɛsəri/ /ɪk'sɛsəri/ /æk'sɛsəri/ All OK.


acclimate /'ækləmet/


accolade /ˈækəled/


antedate /æntɪ'det/ /æntə'det/ Both OK, and /'æntɪdet/


cigarette /sɪˈrɛt/ or /'sɪgərɛt/ depending on the context


annex /ə'nɛks/ /'ænɛks/ First is verb, second is noun.


apotheosis /əpɑθi'osəs/


actuarial [ˌæktʃuˈɛriəl]


adept [əˋdɛpt]


aeronautics /ɛrə'nɔtɪks/


agape /ɑ'gɑpe/


alienate /'eliənet/


ally noun: [ˋælaɪ]               verb: [əˋlaɪ]


almond /'ɑmənd/ /'ɑlmənd/ Both OK, I say the second.


alms /ɑmz/ /ɑlmz/ Both OK, I say the second.


amateur [ˋæmə͵tʃɚ]


ambience /'æmbiənts/


arbitrary /'ɑrbətrɛri/ 


boisterous /'bɔɪstrəs/


badinage /bædəˈnɑʒ/


cantata  /kən'tɑtə/


casualty /'kæʒulti/


clog /klɔg/


coordinate [ko'ɔrdənet]


centrifugal /sɛn'trɪfjəg/


confederacy /kən'fɛdərəsi/


conference /'kɑnfrənts/ /'kɑnfərənts/ Both OK.


decoy /'dikɔɪ/


defalcate [dɪˈfælˌket] [dɛˈfɔlˌket] Either is OK - this is only passive vocabulary for me if even that - I don't use it.


demarcate /'dimɑrket/


debouch [dɪˈbuʃ]


debris /də'bri/ /'debri/ /de'bri/ All OK.


debut /de'bju/


decibel /'dɛsəbəl/


despicably [də'spɪkəbli]


detonation /dɛt'neʃən/


detour /'ditʊr/ /dɪ'tʊr/ Both OK


demarcate /'dɪmɑrˈket/ /'dimɑrˈket/ Both OK.




dissociation [dɪsoʃiˈeʃən] [dɪsosiˈeʃən] Both OK.


dissolve /dɪ'zɔlv/ /dɪ'zɑlv/ Both OK.


education [͵ɛdʒuˋkeʃən] [͵ɛdʒəˋkeʃən] Both OK, first is more formal.


enthusiastic [ɛn͵θuziˋæstɪk]


expatiate /ɛk'speʃiet/


expatriate /ɛks'petriət/


expiation [ˌɛkspiˈeʃən]


explicable /ɛk'splɪkəb/


extrinsic /ɛk'strɪnsɪk/


eschew /ɛs'tʃu/


espionage /'ɛspiənɑʒ/


espouse /ɪs'paus/


estranged /ə'strendʒd/ /ɪ'strendʒd/ Both OK.oblation [oˈbleʃən] [obˈleʃən] Same to me.




extricable [ˈɛkstrəkəb]


exuberance [ɪgˈzubərənts]


finance /fəˈnænts/ /faɪˈnænts/ /ˈfaɪnænts/ All possible, depends on context.


February /'fɛbruwɛri/ /'fɛbrəwɛri/ /'fɛbjəwɛri/ All OK.


foliage /'foliədʒ/


garrulity [gəˈruləti]


gaudy /'gɔdi/


general /'dʒɛnərəl/ /'dʒɛnrəl/ Both OK; the first is more formal.
granary /'grenəri/


gratis /'grætəs/


hegemony /hɪ'dʒɛməni/


hysteria /hɪ'stɛriə/ /hɪ'stɪriə/ Both OK.


haughty /'hɔti/


haunt /hɔnt/


hauteur /o'tɝ/


ineffectual /ɪnə'fɛktʃʊəl/


inertia [ɪ'nɝʃə] [ɪ'nɝʃiə] Both OK.


inexorable  [ɪn'ɛgzərəb!]


inexplicable [ɪnɪk'splɪkəb!]


infatuation  [ɪn͵fætʃu'eʃən]


intricacy /ˈɪntrɪkəsi/ /ˈɪntrəkəsi/ Both OK.


largess [lɑr'ʒɛs]


lexicon /ˈlɛksəkən/ /ˈlɛksəkɑn/ Both OK.


libido /lə'bido/


lasso /'læso/ /læ'su/ Both OK.


malleable /'mæliəb/


modicum /'mɑdɪkəm/ /'mɑdəkəm/ Both OK.


month /mʌnθ/ /mʌntθ/ Both are OK.


months /mʌns/ /mʌnts/ /mʌntθs/ All are OK.


Mrs /'mɪsəz/




obdurate /'ɑbdjərət/


oar /ɔr/ /or/ Both OK.


oatmeal /'otmil/


obelisk /'obəlɪsk/


olfactory /ol'fæktəri/ or /ol'fæktri/


obedient  /o'bidiənt/


obeisance /o'bests/


obfuscate /'ɑbfʌsket/


obituary /o'bɪtʃuˈɛri/


overt /o'vɝt/




painstaking /'penztekɪŋ/


palliative /'pælietɪv/


perpetual /pɚ'pɛtʃuwəl/


pulpit /ˈpʌlpət/


pyromania /paɪro'meniə/ /paɪrə'meniə/ Both OK.


persecute /'pɝsəkjut/


persiflage [ˈpɝsɪˌflɑʒ] or [ˈpɝˌflɑʒ]


personable /'pɝsənəb/


periphery /pə'rɪfəri/


perjury /'pɝdʒəri/


poseur /po'zɝ/


personnel /ˈpɝsə'nɛl/


possessed /pə'zɛst/


propitiate /prə'pɪʃiet/ /pro'pɪʃiet/ Both OK.


prosaic /pro'zeɪk/


patina /pə'tinə/


reprise /rɪ'priz/ /rɪ'praɪz/ Both OK.


reptile /'rɛptaɪl/


salve /sæv/


sinecure /ˈsɪnɪkjʊr/


sinew /'sɪnju/


spontaneity /spɑntə'neəti/


sequestrate /siˈkwəstret/ /sɪˈkwəstret/


shibboleth /'ʃɪbəlɛθ/ /'ʃɪbələθ/ Both OK.


status [ˋstætəs] [ˋstetəs] Both OK, I seem to use the second more often.


summarily [sʌˈmɛrəli]


succinct /sək'sɪŋkt/


suffrage /'sʌfrɪdʒ/


summary /'sʌməri/ /'sʌmri/


sumptuous /'sʌmptʃuəs/


tawdry /'tɔdri/ (I will usually pick /ɔ/ where there's a choice; /ɑ/ is mostly used by people who don't distinguish /ɔ/ from /ɑ/)
tempestuous /tɛm'pɛstʃuəs/


tenet /'tɛnət/


tenure /'tɛnjɚ/


turquoise /'tɝkwɔɪz/


tresses /'trɛsəz/


tureen /tə'rin/ /tu'rin/ Both OK.


turret /'tɝrət/ /'tɝət/ /'tɝɪt/ All the same to me.


tuxedo /tʌk'sido/ /tək'sido/ Both OK - they're almost the same.


venial /'viniəl/


vaporous /'vepərəs/ /'veprəs/ Both OK.


variegate [ˈvɛriəˌget]


variegation [ˌvɛriəˈgeʃən]


vehicle /'viək/, but /'vihɪk/ is also common in the US


verbiage /'vɝbiədʒ/


willowy /'wɪloi/ /'wɪləwi/: both are OK, I prefer the first.


withdraw /wɪθ'drɔ/


withhold /wɪθ'hold/


withstand /wɪθ'stænd/


wizened /'wɪzd/




I ate an apple / aɪ e tæ næp/ /aɪ e tə næp/ Both OK.

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